Macron Wants To ‘Radically’ Change France’s Parliament
[DailyCaller.com] French President Emmanuel Macron said that he wanted to change the current status of French parliament, believing the legi

What Delivered The Best Return Of 2017’s First Half? Bitcoin And Ethereum
[MarketWatch.com] Despite recent weakness, cryptocurrencies remain sharply higher on the year.

Nevada Marijuana Sales Start At Midnight
[TheHill.com] At the stroke of midnight, Nevada will become the fifth state in the country to allow customers to purchase marijuana for recr

Ship of Fools
[GrrrGraphics.com] The Democratic Party is in decline. They have no real leaders on the horizon and those running the show are hopelessly co

Why Are U.S. Taxpayers Funding Military Gender Transition Procedures?
[BorderlandAlternativeMedia.com] I never in my life thought that I would be writing about something like this in regards to the US Military,

Anonymous Believes NASA Is Poised To Announce Discovery Of Aliens (VIDEO)
[RT.com] Hacking collective Anonymous claims US space agency NASA is about to announce the discovery of intelligent alien life.

Is There A Soft Coup D'etat Taking Place In America?
With the recent disturbing, and often times violent, political discourse occurring in the U.S., one might be inclined to think there is a ne

Senate Announces Probe Of Loretta Lynch Behavior In 2016 Election
[WashingtonTimes.com] The Senate Judiciary Committee has opened a probe into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s efforts to shape the FB

ROSWELL PROOF: Is Alleged US DIA Leak That Proves Alien UFO Crashed Fact Or Fiction?
[Express.co.uk] This week Express.co.uk revealed that a report had surfaced, allegedly leaked from the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA),

Pictures: Devastating Wildfires Ravage Portugal
Wildfires in central Portugal have killed over 60 people and injured 135. Many of the victims were trapped in their cars and burned to death