‘The Time For Reconciliation Is Over’: South Africa Votes To Confiscate White-Owned Land Without Com
[News.com.au] SOUTH Africa’s parliament has voted in favour of a motion that will begin the process of amending the country’s Constitution t
Around 500,000 People Have Reportedly Joined The NRA Since Their Demonization After The Parkland Sch
According to BNL News, the National Rifle Association (NRA) has bolstered its ranks by an additional 500K people since the mainstream media,
Peter Wang, A 15 Year Old JROTC Cadet Killed In The Parkland School Shooting While Protecting Fellow
One of the heroes of the tragic Parkland, Florida school massacre, Peter Wang, has received over 140,000 signatures on petitions.whitehouse.
John Podesta, Hillary Clinton's Former Campaign Chairman, Makes Ominous And Potentially Threaten
In a Tuesday afternoon tweet, John Podesta said the following: Seems like those “unnamed sources peddling second-hand hearsay with rank spec
The Air Force Awakens: USAF Top Dog Says Space War Is ‘Matter Of Years Away’
[SputnikNews.com] A war in space is only a “matter of years away,” warned the top dog in the US Air Force (USAF). The general argued that th
Federal Court Quietly Rules ‘Assault Rifles’ Not Protected By 2nd Amendment
[TheFreeThoughtProject.com] While Americans watched the 2018 Olympics and mainstream media put on scripted town hall meetings to demonize la
CNN Celebrates Parkland’s Emma González Having More Followers Than Dana Loesch
[NewsBusters.org] In Tuesday’s edition of CNN debasing itself, CNN.com flaunted Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student Emma González s
Jeff Sessions Announces Justice Department Will Investigate Alleged FISA Abuses That Occurred During
On Tuesday, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions said his DOJ will open an official probe to investigate alleged abuses of the Foreign Intell
Alleged School Shooter’s Mom Paid $50K To Adopt Him From ‘Drug Addict’
[NYPost.com] Mom Lynda Cruz paid $50,000 to adopt alleged school shooter Nikolas Cruz from his “drug addict” biological mother when he was j
Accused Florida School Shooter Nikolas Cruz Refused Mental Health Treatment
[Miami.CBSLocal.com] Nikolas Cruz, the self-confessed Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooter refused to let the district continue prov