Tech Billionaire Tom Draper Wants To Split California Into Three States
[WashingtonExaminer.com] Tech billionaire Tom Draper filed a measure Friday to divide California into three states.

Ben Garrison: "Release The Bannon!"
[GrrrGraphics.com] I was very disappointed to see Steve Bannon leave the White House. Trump needs someone at his side to remind him about th

Antifa Protesters Armed With Bats And Shields Crash Funeral Of Heather Heyer
So-called "anti-fascists" from the notorious violent extremist group, Antifa, showed up to a memorial service held for Saturday

Left-Wing... Right-Wing... They're All Socialists!
[RonPaulLibertyReport.com] There's a lot of "left-wing" vs. "right-wing" allegations being thrown around, especially

U.S. Destroyer Challenges China's Claims In South China Sea
[Reuters.com] WASHINGTON - A U.S. Navy destroyer carried out a "freedom of navigation operation" on Thursday, coming within 12 nau

Credit Card Chips Can Fall Out, Posing A Security Risk
[ABC7Chicago.com] The I-Team uncovered a security problem with the chips added to credit and debit cards to keep consumers safer - they can

Defending Europe
A new mission is underway to stop human trafficking and illegal migrants from entering European countries by the droves. "Defend Europe

‘DON’T SHOW THEM’ Earl Spencer Begs Channel 4 Not To Show Princess Diana’s Explosive Video Diaries –
[TheSun.co.uk] Earl Spencer renewed his plea for Channel 4 not to broadcast Diana’s explosive private tapes.

Far-Left News Outlet Huffington Post May Have Crossed The Line In One Of Its Latest Articles
Written by Dr. Eve and titled "It's Not A Popular Subject, But The Latest Research About P**dophilia May Help Us Protect Our Kids,&

House Staffer Imran Awan Arrested At Dulles Airport After He Was Attempting To Leave The Country
According to Jim Lokay from FOX 5 DC, house staffer Imran Awan has been arrested and charged with bank fraud.