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Video: Former Starbucks Employee Says Fake Online Coupons Are Being Honored

Image Credit: Know Your Meme

An employee who said he used to work at an undisclosed Starbucks location for 14 months posted a video yesterday telling his story about how this past week has been "really hard" on workers since the arrest of two men at a Philadelphia store.

He went on to say there have been a "few incidents involving some people coming in with fake coupons" and that he was unaware if the customers knew they were in fact fake. The man said at the time these incidents occurred, he didn't know how to handle it and corporate was also unsure what to do.

The former employee continued, saying he felt like employees were "being thrown under the bus."

He said when people came into his store with fake coupons asking for their coffee, he called other stores to ask for advice. They reportedly told him the following: "If you're presented with one of these fake coupons, just go ahead and honor it to try to avoid any type of future... situation."

In the video, he stated how one of his partners received a phone call from a guy saying that "he and his squad" were on their way to his location for their free coffee and they would be recording the entire thing so that they "could put it on Worldstar or social media or YouTube." At the end of the conversation, the caller told the barista that "she better act right" and proceeded to call her a "white b*tch."

The former employee said his partner was very frightened and intimidated by the call.

Watch the full confession below:

Note: At this time, we cannot confirm if this person actually worked at Starbucks.

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