Why Are U.S. Taxpayers Funding Military Gender Transition Procedures?

Original Article | Author: Joe Biggs
I never in my life thought that I would be writing about something like this in regards to the US Military, but here we are in the wake of the trendy Obama administration and now it’s allowed for transgender soldiers to serve - but not just serve - get their gender reassignment surgeries covered by the American people.

The latest Army Transgender Training [states] that ALL soldiers are required to complete [it]. The policy dictates that the Army will pay for and is required to provide medical treatment on behalf of any soldier who is deemed “medically necessary” to transition their gender, which is merely a medical opinion based on the level of “confusion” the solider has in regards to their gender.

This means the US taxpayers are funding the gender transition medical procedures for these soldiers to include follow-up treatment and maintenance. I would assume if there are complications that cause a disability, they likely will be entitled to VA disability payments. I wonder why a soldier's “confusion” about their gender is not considered a pre-existing condition. If that is the case, shouldn’t they instead face a medical discharge? Will this encourage potential enlistees of a certain sexual persuasion to enlist only to have the gender transition surgeries paid for, spending most their enlistment undergoing treatment. I wonder if the Army is even considering the down time and medical profiles these troops will exploit from undergoing the multiple procedures required.

This is a disgrace. This is definitely not the Army I joined 14 years ago. Transgender soldiers either need to pay for and complete gender transition prior to enlisting in the Armed Services, or wait until their active enlistment is complete prior to undergoing these surgeries. This ELECTIVE surgery should not be allowed during an active enlistment as it robs the Army of valuable training/operational time with the troop, plus robs the American taxpayer as they are those paying for it. I wonder if the Army will create a new MOS for this policy, Gender Transition Medical Officer...

Maybe I am just making a big deal out of nothing, but if people are upset about tax money going to Planned Parenthood, I wonder how they would feel knowing they are funding the surgery, treatment, and maintenance (potentially VA disability) for someone’s elective gender transition surgery.
Source: YouTube Channel Bridget Bosch