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Is There A Soft Coup D'etat Taking Place In America?

Source: Indivisible Guide

With the recent disturbing, and often times violent, political discourse occurring in the U.S., one might be inclined to think there is a nefarious agenda in motion to overthrow the current Republican dominated government.

It has already been proven that notorious Clinton agent David Brock has set up multiple organizations, such as Media Matters and Shareblue, to sidetrack, troll and "slide" conservative talking points online.

Another website called Indivisible Guide was registered on December 18th, 2016 and appears to be a part of #TheResistance movement often times seen trending on Twitter.

Upon entering the site, you will notice some blatant anti-Trump rhetoric:

"Join the Indivisible Movement to Resist Trump’s Agenda"

They further state:

"People like you are standing indivisible all over the country. Join a group in your community to take action and hold Congress accountable."

Briefly outlined are four ways to actively protest against the Trump Administration's agenda:

Source: Indivisible Guide

According to the site, there are supposedly 5,983 "Indivisible Groups" located nationwide; at least two in every Congressional District:

Source: Indivisible Guide

With such a large number of active groups, it makes you wonder how much funding they receive and WHO funds them!

Many have speculated billionaire George Soros has been behind a number of the recent far left radicalized and violent protests, such as those conducted by domestic terrorist groups Antifa and BAMN,

Venturing further into the Indivisible Guide website, you will discover they host a regularly updated, and heavily biased, blog by numerous authors:

Source: Indivisible Guide

Now, unfortunately this does not appear to be just another safe space like the parody website

Another section of the Indivisible Guide website features a "group leader toolkit" for those who are interested in starting grass roots meetings or other activities:

Source: Indivisible Guide

This particular website is just one of many examples that support there may be an actual soft coup occurring in America.

The list is long, but other examples include:

  • The constant racial, gender and religious-based "divide & conquer" narrative being pushed by the liberal controlled mainstream media.

  • Far-left speeches, held by Democrats and others, literally calling for violence and saying things such as "people will die."

  • Hollywood celebrities, such as Madonna and Johnny Depp, talking about "blowing up the White House" and "assassinating the president."

As we stated, the list is long and there are plenty of other examples.

Watch a related Infowars report below, titled "Illegal Death Threats And A Deep State Coup D'etat Are Rampant [In] America":

All civilizations throughout history have eventually bit the dust. Is America next up on the list?

How can we fight back against this destructive "resistance" movement and convince its layman participants to realize what they're doing is absolutely un-American and, quite frankly, traitorous?

At this point, our forefathers and the service members who have given their lives for this country are undoubtedly rolling in their graves. If they saw the current discourse going on in the U.S., they would no doubt be disgusted and appalled.

This isn't just about "Making America Great," it's about SAVING America!

Share this article with your family and friends. Wake people up and snap them out of their Matrix-like trance!

Resist the FAKE "Resistance" movement!

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