Far-Left News Outlet Huffington Post May Have Crossed The Line In One Of Its Latest Articles

Source: The Boston Globe
NMWD Note: Some words in this article have been censored. View the original story we are discussing here.
Written by Dr. Eve and titled "It's Not A Popular Subject, But The Latest Research About P**dophilia May Help Us Protect Our Kids," the author starts off by saying, "Professionals who work clinically and conduct research into p**dophilia must be scientific and confident to withstand the arrows that get slung at them."
This first statement in itself is not alarming. What follows is.
Three paragraphs into the article, the author says, "I ask you to hold back judgment, consider compassion... and hope you will keep reading this so you can learn with me." She then states, "let's get our terms sorted out to obviate confusion," and proceeds to define, and separate, p**dophilic disorder from child m*lestors.
We are not going to post the detailed definitions of either. If you would like to see them for yourself, you can visit the Huffington Post article here or an archived version.
One of the most disturbing and mind-bending conclusions the author has come up with is the following:
"So you get the differences, right? P**dophilia is a sexual orientation, the p**dophilic disorder is a mental disorder as these people cannot control their urges to act out and child m*lesters are people who opportunistically sexually prey on vulnerable children and are not likely to be p**dophiles."
"Just because someone is a p**dophile, doesn't mean they're a bad person."
She further provides a link to a support group called "Virtuous P**dophiles" which "offers a safe place [for those] who have to keep their attraction a secret for fear of the law and social stigma."
Wow! Stating these things in a mainstream news article is outrageous! Concerned parents should be out in the streets (peacefully) protesting this garbage!
With all of the LGBTQ+ craze that's been happening in the past few years:
Transgender people becoming normalized to the point where they can join the military (Note: President Trump recently announced his intention to reverse this policy).
Young, confused teens receiving hormone therapy and even transition surgeries.
Reality TV shows, such as "I Am Jazz" promoting that exact thing.
Babies getting assigned as "genderless" at birth by their parents.
YouTube channels DEDICATED to "informing" VERY YOUNG kids about "queer stuff."
It really makes you wonder "what's next?"
Well, hopefully not this! Being sympathetic towards CHILD ABUSERS and downplaying the effect they have on their victims and society is reprehensible.
Let us point you to another article from The Guardian titled, "Polygraph for p**dophiles: how virtual reality is used to assess sex offenders."
Yep, you read that right. VR is being used to "assess" child sex offenders. The lab where this is taking place is located in Montreal, Canada.
These so-called "patients" sit inside a vault with devices placed around their private parts to measure signs of arousal as they view computer-generated images of naked children!
Institut Philippe-Pinel Project Director Patrice Renaud explains, "We do develop pornography, but these images and animations are not used for the pleasure of the patient but to assess them. It’s a bit like using a polygraph but with other measurement techniques."
This doesn't sound ANYTHING like a polygraph test. This sounds like some SICK social experiment!
If you'd like to read more about this particular story, click here for the original article or here for an archived version.
The West cannot remain civilized if we go down the path of VICTIMIZING those who abuse young, impressionable and defenseless children! These offenders need to be SEPARATED from the population (i.e. locked up) to prevent further abuse.
If their tendencies and actions are to be viewed as "mental disorders," then these particular disorders are definitely not ones to play around with and casually discuss; in the long-term, it is the innocent victims and their families whose lives get destroyed!