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Tech Billionaire Tom Draper Wants To Split California Into Three States


Tech billionaire Tom Draper filed a measure Friday to divide California into three states.

Draper says the "political representation of California's diverse population and economies has rendered the state nearly ungovernable."

"The citizens of the whole state would be better served by three smaller state governments while preserving the historical boundaries of the various counties, cities and towns," he argued in the proposed measure's statement of findings.

The billionaire spent more than $5 million in 2014 in a bid to split the state in six, according to the Sacramento Bee.

His current measure needs almost 600,000 signatures from valid voters to make it onto the ballot next fall.

Draper proposes naming the three states "California," "Northern California" and "Southern California."

The plan says, pending approval from the U.S. Congress, the three states would remain in the U.S., as opposed to the "Calexit" effort aiming for California's independence from the U.S.

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