California Passes 'Sanctuary State' Bill SB 54; LAPD Sends Praise, Saying "It Adopts Ma
On Saturday, California lawmakers passed bill SB 54, which has widely come to be known as the 'Sanctuary State Bill' but is official

Sacramento City Council Approves 'Advance Peace Program' Which Will Offer Cash To Gang Membe
In an effort to reduce bloodshed from gang-related shootings, the Sacramento City Council recently approved a program called 'Advance Pe

Tech Billionaire Tom Draper Wants To Split California Into Three States
[WashingtonExaminer.com] Tech billionaire Tom Draper filed a measure Friday to divide California into three states.

25 Great White Sharks Spotted Off Southern California Coast
[CNN] Announcements were made near San Onofre and Capo Beach yesterday afternoon after Orange County Sheriff's Duke 1 helicopter capture