India Has Deployed "Anti-Poo" Drones To Discourage Its Citizens From Relieving Themselves
Desperate times call for desperate measures.

The Hillary Clinton Timeline
Website HillaryBeatTrump.org offers an interesting perspective on what might have been if Hillary Clinton had won the presidential election

Ben Garrison: "Comey, You're Fired..."
[Grrrgraphics.com] James Comey has been fired by President Trump. It’s a good first step toward draining the swamp.

Man Who Created 'Blue Whale Suicide Game' Charged With Inciting 16 Schoolgirls To Kill Thems
Philipp Budeikin, the 21 year old man behind a disturbing online game called "Blue Whale," was recently arrested and is being held

McDonald’s Employee In Turkey Splashes Boiling Water On Boy For ‘Disturbing Customers’
[RT.com] A female McDonald’s employee in Istanbul splashed boiling water on a child who was allegedly “disturbing customers.” The fast food

Ben Garrison: Matt's Fury
[Grrrgraphics.com] Matt Furie, you're doing it wrong.

Treasury Launches Site That Tracks Government Spending
[The Daily Caller] The Department of Treasury launched a website Tuesday designed for taxpayers to keep track of government spending.

Tunnel Containing Nuke Waste Collapses At Hanford Site
[USA Today] RICHLAND, Wash. — Hundreds of workers at Hanford Nuclear Reservation were evacuated Tuesday after part of a tunnel, which store

Flashback: Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel The Red Footsoldier
Back on May 21st, 2013, DailyMail.com published an article showing Germany's Chancellor, Angela Merkel, wearing military style fatigues

PROGRESS: Harvard To Hold Blacks-Only Graduation Ceremony
[The Daily Wire] In the name of progress, Harvard University will segregate graduation ceremonies based on race.