Amazon Deletes One-Star Reviews Of Hillary Clinton’s ‘What Happened’
[WashingtonTimes.com] Hillary Clinton may have written the best book of the year — if you go by the reviews on Amazon.

FBI Shuts Down Request For Files On Hillary Clinton By Citing Lack Of Public Interest
[FoxNews.com] The FBI is declining to turn over files related to its investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails by

Ship of Fools
[GrrrGraphics.com] The Democratic Party is in decline. They have no real leaders on the horizon and those running the show are hopelessly co

Is There A Soft Coup D'etat Taking Place In America?
With the recent disturbing, and often times violent, political discourse occurring in the U.S., one might be inclined to think there is a ne

Ben Garrison: You Got To Be Kidding
[Grrrgraphics.com] WikiLeaks revealed Hillary’s loyalty and devotion to the central bankers. In her usual perfunctory and well-planned manne

The Hillary Clinton Timeline
Website HillaryBeatTrump.org offers an interesting perspective on what might have been if Hillary Clinton had won the presidential election