The CIA Unleashed
[GrrrGraphics.com] Our founding fathers never wrote the Central Intelligence Agency into our Constitution—and with good reason.

Ben Garrison: "Release The Bannon!"
[GrrrGraphics.com] I was very disappointed to see Steve Bannon leave the White House. Trump needs someone at his side to remind him about th

G20 Memories, The Firm Handshake
[GrrrGraphics.com] To me, the most memorable moment of the G-20 Summit was the handshake between President Trump and Russian President Vladi

July 4th, 2017 Holding Back Liberty
[GrrrGraphics.com] We have another 4th of July holiday and I just finished reading the Declaration of Independence. In it, our founding fath

Ship of Fools
[GrrrGraphics.com] The Democratic Party is in decline. They have no real leaders on the horizon and those running the show are hopelessly co

Lighting The Fuse
[GrrrGraphics.com] For some reason, many of those on the left think it’s perfectly A-OK to call for the death of our president.

Ben Garrison: "Fixin' The Leaks"
[Grrrgraphics.com] What a pathetic performance by Comey. How in the hell did such a man become an FBI director? Oh, now I remember. He was a

"Body Slammed" by Ben Garrison
[Grrrgraphics.com] Last week Greg Gianforte allegedly ‘body slammed’ an overly obtrusive reporter from ‘The Guardian.’

Ben Garrison: You Got To Be Kidding
[Grrrgraphics.com] WikiLeaks revealed Hillary’s loyalty and devotion to the central bankers. In her usual perfunctory and well-planned manne

Ben Garrison: "Comey, You're Fired..."
[Grrrgraphics.com] James Comey has been fired by President Trump. It’s a good first step toward draining the swamp.