'Monster' Planet Discovery Stuns Scientists
[FoxNews.com] Astronomers have discovered a planet the size of Jupiter orbiting a star that’s only half the size of the sun — a celestial ph
Unidentified "Interstellar Object" Hurtles Through Our Solar System
[NASA.gov] A small, recently discovered asteroid -- or perhaps a comet -- appears to have originated from outside the solar system, coming f
Asteroid That Just Buzzed Earth May Not Miss On Return Visit
[CNET.com] The house-size asteroid that just passed by Earth, almost as close as many satellites in orbit, will be back -- and a future visi
NASA: Billions Of Years Ago, The Moon Had An Atmosphere
According to a new study, Earth's moon likely had a temporary atmosphere 3 to 4 billion years ago.
What NASA’s Cassini Spacecraft Saw Before It Died
[Yahoo.com] The last thing NASA’s Cassini spacecraft saw as it was plunging into Saturn and burning up in the planet’s atmosphere was a brea
New Black Hole 100,000 Times Bigger Than Sun Discovered Near Center Of Milky Way
[RT.com] A new kind of black hole has been found at the centre of the Milky Way – a find that may help explain the evolution of the phenomen
Highlights From The 2017 Solar Eclipse
View some amazing pictures of the 2017 solar eclipse which occurred over the U.S.
Anonymous Believes NASA Is Poised To Announce Discovery Of Aliens (VIDEO)
[RT.com] Hacking collective Anonymous claims US space agency NASA is about to announce the discovery of intelligent alien life.
[Physics-Astronomy.com] While exploring the lunar surface, China’s Chang’e 3 lander discovered a new type of moon rock, and managed to snap
Strange: What Is Causing Saturn's Gigantic Hexagon Shaped Cloud Formation?
After flybys from NASA's Voyager and Cassini spacecraft between 1980 - 1988, scientists scrambled to review and explain the data and pic