Circus Child Sex Ring: Sadistic ‘Blood Rituals’ Performed On Young Boys
[] A child sex abuse ring operating out of a circus school in western Sydney, Australia, forced young boys under the age of ei
Canada Announces New School-Wide Curriculum, From Early Years To Grade Eight, Called 'Social Jus
A web page on features a literature-based resource kit for academics who teach young students which centers around "erasing pre
The Senate Releases 'Memo 2.0' And It Should Scare You
[] Hot on the heels of the House memo exposing deep state corruption comes an equally explosive document from the Senate that sho
Homelessness In Los Angeles Has Surged By 75 Percent In Six Years
[] California has established itself as the state leader of the anti-Trump resistance. It has declared itself a sanctua
Judge Rules Bakeshop Owner Doesn’t Have To Bake Wedding Cake For Gay Couple
[] A California judge ruled Monday the state couldn’t force a cake shop owner to bake a cake for a gay couple’s wedding, ruli
SEC And CFTC Hearing: More Legitimate ICOs Or “If There Was No Bitcoin, There Would Be No Blockchain
[] The Commodity Futures Trading Commision (CFTC) and US Securities and Exchange Commision (SEC) met the morning of Februar
Trump’s Support Among Blacks Doubles Despite Racism Claims
[] Support from the black community for President Donald Trump has doubled since 2016 despite the media and the Democrats'
Suspected Drunk Driver Accused Of Killing Two Men, Including Colts Player Edwin Jackson, Was In Coun
[] The suspected drunk driver accused of killing two people, including Colts player Edwin Jackson, is in the United States illegall
Previously Deported Mexican National Convicted Of Raping 9-Year-Old Girl In Sanctuary City
[] An Oregon jury convicted a previously deported Mexican national of sexually assaulting a nine-year-old girl. The convicted c
The Latest: 'Screams And Crying' Followed Amtrak Train Crash
[] The Latest on a deadly Amtrak train crash in South Carolina.