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Russia: White Helmets 'Staged' Chemical Weapons Attack On Syrian Civilians

Image Credit: Syria Civil Defence

Russian news agency Tass reports that Lt. General Viktor Poznikhir, the First Deputy Chief of the Russian General Staff’s Main Operations Department, recently told reporters, "The chemical weapons attack on civilians in the Syrian town of Douma was staged and filmed by members of the White Helmets organization."

"On April 7, probably the last attempt to stage a chemical weapons attack in Eastern Ghouta was made. The notorious White Helmets, who operate as part of terrorist groups, staged and filmed a chemical weapons attack on civilians in the town of Douma.

"During the humanitarian operation, the illegal armed units fighting in Eastern Ghouta have incessantly attempted to organize provocations involving the alleged use of toxic chemicals so as to put the blame for the use of chemical weapons on the Syrian government forces.

"Since the beginning of the humanitarian operation in Eastern Ghouta, terrorists have failed to fake a single so-called chemical weapon attack against the civilian population."

He stated an "ammunition and poisonous chemical agents workshop" had been discovered in tunnels located underground in Syria. The units who were utilizing this workshop were allegedly "plotting provocations involving the use of war gases."

"For instance, on March 3 the militants’ workshop was found in an underground tunnel in Hazrama. Makeshift ammunition pieces were charged with poisonous agents there," Poznikhir added.

In an early-morning tweet, President Donald Trump responded to Russia's threats of shooting down any missiles fired at Syria:

He continued:

Russia's official U.S. embassy Twitter account later posted the following message:

"We still firmly believe that it is important to abstain from taking steps, which may be detrimental to the already fragile situation in #Syria

We are not participating in ‘Twitter-diplomacy’. We are supporting serious approaches."

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