Twitter Has Yet To Verify Parkland Survivor Who Supports #2A And Blames @BrowardSheriff, FBI For Ina
Image Credit: Twitter
Original Article | Author: Greg P.
Meet Kyle Kashuv, a 16-year-old student at Marjory Stoneman Douglas H.S. in Parkland, Fla.
Unlike some of his fellow students who we’ve been telling you about who have given the Broward Sheriff’s Office a pass for its handling of the shooting on Valentine’s Day, young Kyle has a very different opinion of how officials handled it:
NMWD Note: The above tweet has been deleted for some reason
That pretty much nails it:
Kyle was on Fox News earlier today where he called out Sheriff Scott Israel for “virtue-signaling against the @NRA and against guns when he didn’t even act properly”:
Again, nailed it.
Kyle, who lists himself as a 2nd Amendment supporter in his bio, has many friends who are gun supporters, but they think laws should be changed in Florida: