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John Kerry ‘Seriously Considering’ 2020 Presidential Run

Image Credit: Boston Magazine

It appears that John Kerry is leaving the door open for another White House run.

The former secretary of state reportedly told Palestinian leaders, including a personal friend of Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas, that they should “be strong” and “hold on” when it comes to dealing with President Donald Trump.

That’s because Kerry is “seriously considering” challenging him in 2020, according to The Jerusalem Post.

The comments, originally reported by the Israeli newspaper Maariv, came after Kerry met with Hussein Agha, a close confidant of Abbas, in London.

Kerry, who used to serve as a U.S. senator from Massachusetts, reportedly offered the Palestinian government telling details about his future in politics, and gave sharp rebukes to the current White House administration.

Former Secretary of State John Kerry, whose bias against Israel has been well-documented, has once again illustrated how partial he is toward the Palestinian Authority, according to the Israeli newspaper Ma’ariv, telling a close associate of Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas that Abbas should “hold on and be strong …that he should stay strong in his spirit and play for time, that he will not break and will not yield to President Trump’s demands.”

Kerry reportedly met Hussein Agha in London; Agha then reported back to PA officials in Ramallah. A senior PA official confirmed the meeting to Ma’ariv. He allegedly told Agha that Trump will not remain president for a long time.

Kerry apparently told Agha he would help them present their own peace plan by utilizing any and all of his contacts, including those in Europe and the international community, suggesting, “Maybe it is time for the Palestinians to define their peace principles and present a positive plan.” Kerry reportedly requested that Abbas refrain from attacking the current administration or America in general and restrict himself to attacks on Trump personally, allegedly using derogatory terms to describe Trump.

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