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North Korea Calls For Reunification With South Korea

Image Credit: The Daily Beast

As their ice hockey players arrive in the South, Pyongyang promises to "smash" all challenges to Korean reunification.

North Korea has called on "all Koreans at home and abroad" to "promote contact (and) cooperation between North and South Korea."

State media in North Korea also said Pyongyang would "smash" all challenges against reunification of the Korean peninsula.

Koreans are being urged to make a "breakthrough" for unification without other countries' help.

The North's official news agency said military tension on the Korean peninsula was a "fundamental obstacle" to the improvement of inter-Korean relations.

It added that joint military drills with "outside forces" were unhelpful when better relations between North and South Korea were being sought.

It came as the North's ice hockey team - dressed in DPRK jackets - crossed the militarised border to form Korea's first-ever unified team for next month's Winter Olympics.

North and South Korea will march under one flag as the joint team competes in Pyeongchang.

The Unification Flag, which features the entire peninsula and surrounding islands in blue on a white background, was last used in 2006 at the Winter Olympics in Italy.

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