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Trump Says He's "Looking Forward" To Talking To Special Counsel Robert Mueller

Image Credit: NBC News

  • President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he was "looking forward" to being interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team of prosecutors.

  • "I would do it under oath," Trump said of the interview.

  • Two weeks ago, Trump would say only "We'll see what happens," when asked if he would agree to an interview with the special counsel.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday said he was "looking forward" to being interviewed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team of prosecutors.

As he left the White House en route to Davos, Switzerland, Trump spoke to reporters, and said that according to his lawyers, he expected to talk to Mueller's team in two or three weeks, according to NBC News' Kristen Welker.

"I would love to do it, and I would like to do it as soon as possible," Trump said. "I would do it under oath, absolutely."

Trump also said that he did not recall asking Andrew McCabe, Deputy Director of the FBI, who he voted for in the 2016 election.

The remarks represent an apparent shift from the president's position on January 10, when he said, "We'll see what happens," when asked about whether he'd be willing to be interviewed by Mueller's team.

"When they have no collusion, and nobody has found any collusion at any level, it seems unlikely that you would even have an interview," Trump said at the time.

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