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FBI Agents Have Reportedly Arrived In Little Rock, Arkansas To Arrest Hillary Clinton

Image Credit: CNN

According to news website, federal agents were sent to the city of Little Rock to further investigate, and possibly arrest, Hillary Clinton due to her connection to The Clinton Foundation's alleged corrupt money laundering operation.

Their article states, "The main cloud of suspicion plaguing Hillary Clinton, The Clinton Foundation, and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, stems from the suspected misappropriation of funds intended for charitable efforts, as well as the former Secretary of State using her official position for financial gain."

The Clinton Foundation was started in Little Rock, so the presence of federal agents in the vicinity is definitely raising some eyebrows.

Earlier this month, reporter John Solomon (The Hill) announced that the FBI is, and has been, conducting an investigation into The Clinton Foundation to discover if Clinton, or any of her subordinates, engaged in unethical and criminal "pay-to-play" favors while she was serving as Secretary of State.

Solomon said:

"The officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of securing government outcomes. The probe may also examine whether any tax-exempt assets were converted for personal or political use and whether the Foundation complied with applicable tax laws, the officials said."

Per the site, the "Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation" received over $150 million in grants and holds $247 million in assets (2013).

Under the 'Troubling Donors' section of their comprehensive report, Discover The Networks noted the following:

"In an effort to prevent foreign governments, organizations, and individuals from influencing the policy decisions of American national leaders, campaign-finance laws prohibit U.S. political candidates from accepting money from such sources. But as the Washington Post noted in February 2015, the Clinton Foundation “has given donors a way [i.e., an avenue by which] to potentially gain favor with the Clintons outside the traditional political [donation] limits.” As of February 2015, the Foundation had raised at least $42 million from foreign governments and $170 million from other foreign entities and individuals. Moreover, foreign sources accounted for about one third of all donors who had given the Clinton Foundation more than $1 million, and over half of those who had contributed more than $5 million to the Foundation."

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