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How Presearch Is Building A Decentralized Search Engine

Image Credit: iStock

Over the last decade, Google has monopolized the world of search. They dominate nearly 75% of the space and are leagues above competition.

Credit: Hackernoon

Google now processes over 40,000 search queries every second on average (visualize them here), which translates to over 3.5 billion searches per day and 1.2 trillion searches per year worldwide.

The gatekeeper of search has tremendous influence. They influence trillions upon trillions of dollars in choices and spending. They shape public biases and perceptions. They connect the world.

At a high level, it is dangerous to entrust these responsibilities to a single, centralized entity that can be corrupted or manipulated. The world needs a fair and transparent search engine to avoid biases and protect the truth.

Presearch is an open, decentralized search engine that rewards community members with Presearch Tokens for their usage, contribution to, and promotion of the platform.

Their mission is to “provide Internet users with an alternative to the search hegemony that dictates where most of us learn, engage and spend our valuable attention and resources.”

Their team recognizes that Presearch is a highly ambitious project. “Google is one of the best companies in the world, and #1 on the Internet. Improving on their results, experience, and integrations will be no small feat — many even say it’s impossible.”

But they are optimistic.

However, we believe that collectively the community can creatively and elegantly fulfill its own search needs from the ground up and create an amazing and open search engine that is aligned with the interests of humanity, not just one company.

In their mind, it comes down to execution, as decentralized networks will become an inevitable reality in the next 5 years.

We are optimistic and believe that if we execute the Presearch vision and strategy, we will provide the world with a next generation search engine that is driven and controlled by the community, and which will provide a blockchain-based, decentralized and open source alternative to the closed, corporate search engines that exist today.

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