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Will Facebook's New Home Video Chat Product, Portal, Become An Orwellian-Like Spy System?

Image Credit: Mashable

To compete with Amazon's Echo Show, Facebook announced it will be releasing a new voice-controlled device called Portal.

The price tag? $499.

According to Cheddar, the new device is set to be unveiled in early May and begin selling in the second half of the year.

Portal will feature a front-based screen, camera (with a wide-angle lens and facial-recognition technology) and microphone. It will also support streaming services like Netflix, Spotify and more.

But, is this something you really want in your household?

It is well known that even some smart phone and tablet applications can spy on you without your knowledge through the front and rear cameras, as well as any built-in microphones.

On Thursday's broadcast, Infowars host Alex Jones discussed Facebook’s new Portal system, saying it epitomizes the tech giants’ race to be completely present and aware of every action and piece of information you encounter.

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