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Talk Radio Host Michael Savage Invites Robert De Niro To Fill In On His Show After Actor Unleashed P

On Wednesday, conservative talk radio host Michael Savage invited foul-mouthed Robert De Niro to host his show, The Savage Nation.

Savage discussed De Niro's recent insults toward President Trump; the actor called him names such as a "f****** idiot," "f****** fool" and "baby-in-chief." On a separate occasion, De Niro described the president using ad hominem such as "punk" and "mutt."

The popular syndicated talk radio personality mentioned he wanted De Niro to come on and host his show the next time he's off under two conditions: he must stay the entire three hours and not read off a script.

Below is Robert De Niro's introduction of best actress winner Meryl Streep at Tuesday’s National Board of Review Awards:

Thank you. First, congratulations to Tom Hanks. Tom Hanks has played opposite some of the most iconic figures in the American cinema. In Turner and Hooch, he co-starred with a humongous slobbering French Mastiff. In Toy Story, his nemesis was action figure Buzz Lightyear. And who could forget his award winning performance in Castaway, opposite a volleyball named Wilson. That brings us to The Post, and another signature performance from the extraordinary Meryl Streep. Meryl is the most generous and giving actor. She not only inhabits her own character, she helps bring out the character of everyone else on the screen. Can a volleyball do that?


Not even if the volleyball was a stable genius. It was fascinating to watch The Post. That story took place nearly 50 years ago, but there are many parallels today obviously. At the time of the story, Donald Trump was suffering from - [pause - air quotes] - "bone spurs." Today, the world is suffering from the real Donald Trump. Come on. You know. What are we talking about? This f****** idiot is the president. It's The Emperor's New Clothes - the guy is a f****** fool.

The publication of the Pentagon Papers was a proud moment for American journalism. The Times and Post challenged the government over critical First Amendment issues. And the press prevailed. Our government today, with the propping [sic] of our baby-in-chief - the Jerkoff-in-chief I call him - has put the press under siege, ridiculing it through trying to discredit it through outrageous attacks and lies. And again, just like 1971, the press is distinguishing itself with brave, exacting journalism. The movie gave us glimpses of President Nixon as delusional, narcissistic, petty, vindictive, nasty, and bats*** f****** crazy.

Ah, the good old days. The movie and my friend Meryl Streep showed us the evolution of courage - Kate Graham was forced into a man's world and showed the world and showed all those men something about the qualities of daring and devotion to public service - qualities that were then thought of as male. No longer. But astonishingly, today, women are still struggling to get their rightful place and their fair share. I am still fighting for Meryl to be able to get 79 cents of what a man would get to play Catherine Graham. It's shameful, I know. The good news is that I think we're at a watershed moment and it's about time. There are many to thank for that, but tonight belongs to Meryl Streep. Meryl, thank you for speaking out on matters of conscience that affect all of us. Thank you for being an actress who plays the most interesting characters with full commitment and without judgment. You show us their heroism, as well as their imperfections.

And I know that's a stretch for you - because Meryl doesn't seem to have any imperfections. And I say that with the most love for you, Meryl. I love you so much. Ladies and gentlemen, the National Board of Review's best actress...

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