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Japanese Social Media Users Voice Their Outrage Over Logan Paul's Suicide Forest Video

Some Twitter users from Japan are disgusted at YouTube star Logan Paul's now infamous Suicide Forest video where he "came upon" a hanging dead body and then proceeded to crack jokes and laugh.


"The problem isn't because he's a foreigner; it's that he lacks human morals. If [he had found a corpse] in America, would #LoganPaul have behaved the same way? Also, not only is this video an issue, but all of his behavior in Japan indicates that he is mocking us."

"I never want that piece of s*** Logan Paul to come to Japan again."

"Japanese are stupid because we're willing to put up [with people like Logan Paul]. You f****** Americans behave worse than North Koreans, and the worst part is you think you're justified in doing it. America is a s*** country. Once again, I've been reminded how much you patronize Japan. REMEMBER THIS."

"Kick rocks, Logan Paul. Don't go abroad to cause problems."

"Who the hell is Logan Paul? What did he come to Japan to do? To mock us? To annoy us? What a piece of s***. Don't come to Japan. Stay out."

Click here to see full size image (Credit: Twitter)

Paul made an apology video on January 2nd titled "So Sorry." As of the posting of this article, it has received over 26M views, 1M likes and 1M dislikes.

Credit: Logan Paul Vlogs

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