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President Trump Calls On ‘Deep State’ DOJ To Go After James Comey And Clinton Aide Huma Abedin

Image Credit: Breitbart

‘Jail!’ President Donald Trump slams ‘crooked’ Hillary aide Huma, calls on ‘Deep State’ DOJ to act

President Trump pulled no punches with “Crooked” Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin on Tuesday, appearing to call on the “Deep State” Justice Department to look at potential security issues in her handling of classified material after a recent email dump.

“Crooked Hillary Clinton’s top aide, Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding basic security protocols. She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents. Remember sailors pictures on the submarine? Jail!” Trump tweeted early Tuesday. “Deep State Justice Dept must finally act? Also on Comey & others.” (See: ‘Classified’ messages among new emails released from top Clinton aide’s account — Obvious Violations)

The president was referring to U.S. Navy Sailor Kristian Saucier, who was put in prison for taking unauthorized photos inside a nuclear submarine. He seemed to suggest a double standard is at play, compared with the lack of punishment for Clinton and her aides.

Trump’s tweet comes after the State Department, in a Friday news dump, released a batch of emails from Abedin’s account that were discovered by the FBI on a laptop belonging to her estranged husband, Anthony Weiner. At least four of the documents were marked “classified.”

Abedin also sent sensitive State Department emails to her personal Yahoo email account before every Yahoo account was hacked, first reported by the Daily Caller. Abedin also sent passwords for her government laptop to her Yahoo account on Aug. 24, 2009.

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