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Christian Woman Who Was Saving Herself For Marriage Is Now Auctioning Off Her Virginity To Highest B

Bailey Gibson, 23, is selling her virginity at Nevada's famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch after she caught her ex-boyfriend cheating.

Gibson, who was brought up by strict Christian parents and sent to an all-girl's boarding school in California, met her (now ex) boyfriend after graduating. She reportedly told him she was saving herself for marriage, but later caught him cheating on her twice.

After contacting the Moonlite Bunny Ranch's owner with her plan, they are now taking bids from potential "customers."

According to the Daily Mail, Gibson hopes to use the money she earns to make a better life for herself.

Hof and the brothel will keep 50 per cent of the final bid for Gibson's virginity, while she will keep the rest to give herself a better start in life

She said:

"Society perceives me as a deviant, and I am okay with that. At the end of the day, it is my body. I have the right do what I want with it.

"Going through the Bunny Ranch allows me to legally have sex for money. Does this make me a prostitute? I don’t know. If you take a picture once, does that make you a photographer?

"I do not think that capitalizing upon your purity makes you a bad person. Just like having sex with multiple men does not make you a bad person.

"We all make choices. Mine was to wait. Now it is to sell."

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