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U.S. Government Reportedly Recovered Materials It 'Does Not Recognize' From UFO

Image Credit: The History Blog

According to The Independent, the Pentagon has recovered metal alloys from an unidentified flying object that scientists "do not recognize."

The material is alleged to have "amazing properties" and is being stored at a secret location in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Ralf Blumenthal, an author for The New York Times, recently spoke to MSNBC and reported the following:

"They have some material from these objects that is being studied so that scientists can try to figure out what accounts for their amazing properties. It’s some sort of compound they do not recognize."

Blumenthal also said the Department of Defense (DoD) "does not know" what the strange compounds are made of.

The Independent attempted to contact the Pentagon for comment, but they refused to give one.

Their article goes on to explain how government researchers have studied people who claimed they had experienced physical effects from encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena.

A classified video was released by the DoD this past Saturday which shows two Navy F/A-18 Super Hornet pilots chasing down an unidentified flying object. It was clear they had no idea what the object was due to their puzzled commentary. At one point in the video, the unidentified craft appeared to rotate on its axis in mid-air while traveling at a high rate of speed.

The encounter was captured on FLIR video by Commander David Fravor and Lieutenant Commander Jim Slaight while they were stationed on the USS Nimitz, flying a routine training mission. They were reportedly 100 miles out into the Pacific when they were ordered to investigate the object.

Commander Fravor described the pecuilar object to The New York Times: About 40 feet long with no wings, rotors or plumes. It also outpaced their fighter jets, which is no easy feat. He added the craft was large enough to churn the sea 50 feet below it.

Exclusive analysis brought to you by To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science. Gimbal is the first of three US military videos of unidentified aerial phenomenon (UAP) that has been through the official declassification review process of the United States government and has been approved for public release. This footage, and all official USG footage you will see on TTS Academy’s community of interest (COI), comes with essential chain-of-custody documentation validating that it is received in its original and unaltered form and is authentic. The US Department of Defense uses this process in order to meticulously ensure that information and material retain their integrity without revealing sources and methods. This documentation is what sets this footage apart from anything else that has made its way to the public domain, by establishing its authenticity and thereby giving it enormous historical significance. Read the full analysis of what you are observing in the video on our community of interest: (Video and Description Credit: To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science)

In a MSNBC interview, Commander Fravor said:

"No one knows what they are to this day. Research went into trying to identify their strange means of propulsion, their phenomenal aerodynamics which represent nothing on the face of this earth by any country."

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