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White House Calls On Congress To Overhaul Immigration System After NYC Terror Attack

Photo Credit: The New York Times

On Monday, the White House commented on the recent terror attack in New York City and said it is evidence the United States needs to strengthen its border security.

Press Secretary Sarah Sanders told reporters, "This attack underscores the need for Congress to work with the president on immigration reforms that enhance the national security and public safety. We must protect our borders and we must ensure that individuals entering our country are not coming to do harm to people, and we must move to a merit-based immigration system."

Earlier today, a 27-year-old-man from Bangladesh was arrested in connection with the detonation of an improvised bomb near the Port Authority Bus Terminal during rush hour.

Several people were injured, including the alleged bomber, but no one was killed.

Some are speculating that the suspect was inspired by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Officials have not confirmed this.

Sanders went on to say:

"This attack comes as our coalition continues to make great gains against ISIS. There is still more work to be done on the ground in shrinking ISIS-controlled areas and the plan to eradicate ISIS is moving forward. But we must also destroy the evil ideology that is behind ISIS in the attacks like today. The president has successfully rallied the world behind this cause, and we will not stop until this is accomplished."

Bangladesh is currently not on the list of countries affected by the president's travel ban. The White House said the suspect was allowed into the country through a family immigrant visa that the administration has sought to curb.

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