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Desperate Congresswoman Maxine Waters Pleads With Teenagers In Church To Push "Impeach 45!&quot

Image Credit: Los Angeles Times

Maxine Waters, a 79 year old Democratic U.S. Representative for California's 43rd Congressional District, recently pushed her political agenda in church and led a rally cry of "Impeach 45!" at The Teen Vogue Summit in Los Angeles. The crowd consisted mainly of teenage girls.

She urged the young people to take on her cause and repeat her mantra everywhere they go.

"Impeach 45! That’s right," Waters said. "Let’s sing that song all over this country wherever we are. Let’s talk about it in the workplace, let’s talk about it in our churches, let’s talk about it with organized labor, let’s get people coming to the forefront."

Many of the teens in the crowd were not even old enough to vote, but Waters seems to believe if they chant "Impeach 45!" it will convince lawmakers to do a 180 on the plan to lower taxes for Americans and also remove President Donald Trump.

Waters went on to say, "They have just passed this terrible tax reform bill, and maybe some of the people on the opposite side of the aisle will now have the guts to stand up to him. I’m going to say it every day in every way, Impeach 45!"

The congresswoman has been relentless in her "Impeach 45!" campaign ever since Trump was sworn into office last January. She has held rallies, speeches (to LGBTQ youth), AIDS fundraisers, award ceremonies, eulogies and other events.

Just recently, a vote to impeach the president failed overwhelmingly.

"House Democrats overwhelmingly joined Republicans on Wednesday to defeat an attempt to impeach President Donald Trump. But 58 Democrats supported the bid to consider impeachment over the objections of House Democratic leaders, who viewed the measure as a distraction in a Republican-controlled Congress.

"The motion to sideline the measure — killing the effort — was approved 364-58, with four Democrats voting present."

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