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The Atlantic And Washington Post Blast Trump's Food Choices, Says They Are "Disconcerting&q

Image Credit: McDonald's

According to The Washington Post, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and aid David Bossie have spilled the beans in their upcoming book regarding the president's eating habits while campaigning for office in 2015 and 2016.

“Trump’s appetite seems to know no bounds when it comes to McDonald’s, with a dinner order consisting of two Big Macs, two Fillet-O-Fish, and a chocolate malted.”

The meal totals 2,400 calories and, by many nutritional standards, would offer enough caloric energy for one full day. The food also contains 3,400 milligrams of sodium - more than double the American Heart Association's recommended amount of 1,500 mg per day.

The Atlantic went into more detail about Trump's food picks, saying it provides virtually no fiber and "offers more white bread than anyone would do well to eat in a week." They go on to say, "This is all ominous for the president's cardiovascular system."

The former campaign affiliates revealed in their book Trump's "four major food groups" which are reportedly: McDonald’s, Kentucky Fried Chicken, pizza, and Diet Coke.

As for the Diet Coke portion, The Atlantic added a snide remark and reminisced about one of Trump's older tweets: "I have never seen a thin person drink Diet Coke."

Why all the hubbub about something so insignificant, you might ask? It appears this is yet another opportunity to attack the president, furthering their agenda to build an impeachment case against him.

Yes, you heard that right. Towards the end of The Atlantic's article, they said:

"There is no question that this diet is dangerous and is very likely to shorten a person’s life. His dietary pattern adds to the picture of a 70-year-old man who has long been living against all health advice—who does not exercise, who barely sleeps, who has tumultuous relationships, who is frequently enraged.

"Decisions to live this way would seem to offer insight into Trump’s ability to assess risk. In light of a nuclear standoff with North Korea, rapidly warming oceans, and a looming tax bill that would leave millions more Americans without health insurance, his approach to self-maintenance is not reassuring."

Notice the parts we bolded. These never-Trumpers and naysayers are getting so desperate, they're using the POTUS' food choices to "prove" his decision-making and risk assessment abilities are not up to par.

Amid all of the other insane news stories popping up recently, such as the nonstop sex scandal accusations in Hollywood, corporate America and the government, as well as shocking criminal rulings in sanctuary states like California, biased and dishonest news media outlets are still relentlessly attacking Trump.

Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn recently pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI, which stirred up the Russia collusion pot once again. During the coverage, ABC News made a huge mistake by inaccurately portraying Trump as a candidate and not President-elect during this time period. They later made an apology and suspended their news reporter, Brian Ross, for four weeks, but the damage was already done; billions of dollars worth of stocks CRASHED and the story had already been aggregated thousands of times!

Meanwhile, the President continues to deny he and/or his staff colluded with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign (all while possibly eating his hearty McDonald's meal), calling it a witch hunt and fake news:

In conclusion, we're seeing the crooked mainstream media pull out ALL STOPS in their attempt to boot Trump out of office because their status-quo candidate (Clinton) did not win. Mind you, this is still happening nearly a year after being sworn in.

Will they ever give up on their die-hard mission to see the president gone and replaced? We think not, since they apparently have a bottomless money pit which funds their efforts.

It's definitely going to be a long seven more years for some folks...

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