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Racist Student Op-Ed Pulled After Condemnation From Texas State University President

Image Credit: Infowars

A shockingly racist op-ed in the Texas State University student newspaper was pulled after widespread criticism, including condemnation from the university president.

The editorial titled “Your DNA is an Abomination” told whites “I hate you because you shouldn’t exist.” Rudy Martinez, the student author, opined that he had only met roughly a dozen “decent” white people in his lifetime.

Texas State University President Denise M. Trauth quickly denounced the column in the University Star, stating she was “deeply troubled” by the message.

Credit: Texas State

“The column’s central theme was abhorrent and is contrary to the core values of inclusion and unity that our Bobcat students, faculty, and staff hold dear. As president of a university that celebrates its inclusive culture, I detest racism in any manifestation,” President Trauth wrote.

She continued, “While I appreciate that the Star is a forum for students to freely express their opinions, I expect student editors to exercise good judgment in determining the content that they print. The Star’s editors have apologized for the column and are examining their editorial process.”

Denise Cervantes, University Star Editor-in-Chief, published an editor’s note which both apologized for, yet justified, the original column.

“While our publication does not endorse every opinion put forth by student columnists or guest contributors, as the editor I take responsibility for what is printed on our pages,” the editor’s note reads in part. “The original intent of the column was to comment on the idea of race and racial identities. We acknowledge that the column could have been clearer in its message and that it has caused hurt within our campus community. We apologize and hope that we can move forward to a place of productive dialogue on ways to bring our community together.”

Some are asking how the paper’s editorial staff could find such an aggressively anti-white editorial appropriate to publish. Upon further investigation, the Washington Examiner has obtained anti-white social media posts authored by May Olvera, the University Star’s opinions editor.

May Olvera (Source:

Olvera’s Twitter account, which is now set on private, is full of anti-white rhetoric posted throughout 2017, including:

“i (sic) hate white people sm (sic),” “White activism is just as bad as Trumps (sic) hate speech…” and “in 2017 i (sic) need more videos of WoC beating the sh*t out of disrespectful white ppl (sic).”

(Click here to see a cached version of Olvera's account)

Additionally, Martinez (the author) still stands by his piece.

“The article speaks for itself,” Martinez told The College Fix via email.

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