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Michigan Dem Candidate: Stop Sexual Harassment By Electing Only Women

Image Credit: Michigan Radio

Dana Nessel, a female democrat who is running to be Michigan's next attorney general, published a new ad which says local residents should vote for her because she's more trustworthy in the workplace since she does not have male genitalia.

Nessel said, "If the last few weeks have taught us anything, it's that we need more women in positions of power, not less. So when you're choosing Michigan's next attorney general, ask yourself this: Who can you trust most not to show you their p*nis in a professional setting? Is it the candidate who doesn't have a p*nis? I'd say so."

As stories continue to break about sex scandals in politics, Hollywood and at news organizations, Nessel promises to never engage in such behavior.

The democratic candidate says that electing more women into positions of power will help to quell sexual harassment in the workplace.

Nessel also suggested it may not be a bad idea if the 2018 Michigan Democratic Party ticket includes all women and no men.

"Pundits and insiders are asking - can we afford to have a female governor, a female attorney general, and a female secretary of state?"

"Well, I read the news, and I bet you do too," Nessel continues. "And it has me wondering: can we afford not to?"

She further stated being a woman is not a liability but an asset in politics.

During an interview on Wednesday with a local Fox station, Nessel defended her ad, saying she did not believe she crossed any lines.

"I think the ad was rather tame when it comes to the news stories that have come out whether they are journalists, whether they're in Hollywood, or whether they're political representatives—we've heard some pretty lewd stories come out."

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