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CNN Journalist Intentionally Leaves Out Clip Of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Pouring Whole Box

In a headline titled "Trump feeds fish, winds up pouring entire box of food into koi pond," CNN journalist Veronica Rocha wrote:

"President Donald Trump took a moment out of his whirlwind Japanese trip to connect with nature and feed some fish, but after a few delicate scoops, he resorted to a grand gesture met with some laughter.

"The moment happened as Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe headed to lunch. The leaders were escorted to a dining room that overlooks a koi pond at Akasaka Palace.

"Moments later, aides opened two large screen doors and the leaders emerged holding two small wooden boxes filled with fish food.

"As an aide clapped loudly, Abe and Trump tossed spoonfuls of fish food into the pond. Then, with a look of enjoyment, Trump quickly poured his entire box of food into the pond."

On Twitter, Rocha tweeted "President Trump feeds fish with PM Shinzo Abe in Japan, then pours the entire box of food into the koi pond." The GIF attached to her tweet omits Abe pouring his food first by zooming in on Trump's face, then zooming out while Trump pours his food:

The CNN article goes on to say:

"The move got Trump some laughs, and a smile from Abe, who actually appeared to dump out his box of food ahead of Trump."

Appeared? Really CNN?

Here is a video from The Guardian showing Trump and Abe's interaction:

CNN's article was last updated at 12:37 PM ET, Mon November 6, 2017. At this time, we are unsure if they left out any information that is currently present or changed their featured video.

Although this may seem like a trivial thing to report on, we believe it is important because it's just another instance of the MSM distorting the facts of even a simple occasion (such as feeding fish) to make Trump look bad.

MSN also aggregated CNN's article about this.

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