Dem Senator Compares Trump To Pontius Pilate, The Man Who Ordered Jesus Christ's Crucifixion

Source: Urantia
In an interview on Wednesday with CNN's Chris Cuomo, Massachusetts Senator Ed Markey said President Donald Trump is acting like ancient Roman Prefect Pontius Pilate by rescinding DACA.
After being asked about Trump's decision regarding the controversial Obama-era program, Markey replied, "The president is acting like Pontius Pilate and he’s washing his hands of this mess knowing that these are all innocent young people who are caught in a crossfire."

Source: CNN
According to Wikipedia:
"Pontius Pilate was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26–36. He served under Emperor Tiberius, and is best known today for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.
"In all four gospel accounts, Pilate lobbies for Jesus to be spared his eventual fate of execution, and acquiesces only when the crowd refuses to relent. He thus seeks to avoid personal responsibility for the death of Jesus.
"In the Gospel of Matthew, Pilate washes his hands to show that he is not responsible for the execution of Jesus and reluctantly sends him to his death.
"The Gospel of Mark, depicting Jesus as innocent of plotting against the Roman Empire, portrays Pilate as reluctant to execute him.
"In the Gospel of Luke, Pilate not only agrees that Jesus did not conspire against Rome, but Herod Antipas, the tetrarch of Galilee, also finds nothing treasonable in Jesus' actions.
"In the Gospel of John, Pilate states 'I find no guilt in Him [Jesus],' and he asks the Jews if Jesus should be released from custody."
Later on in the discussion, Markey said, "Rather than being presidential, rather than standing up and saying that he will be the leader... he’s just walking away. It would be far better if the president was saying that right now... be a leader and tell us what the solution should be."