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Branch Of Swedish Liberal People's Party Is Trying To Legalize Some Very Disturbing And Perverte

Source: Wikipedia

A branch of the Swedish Liberal People's Party is arguing that incest between siblings, as well as necrophilia, should be legalized.

Yep, this is not a joke; they really want this SICK and DEGENERATE stuff legalized!

On Sunday, the party's Stockholm youth wing (LUF) held a vote on the motion at its annual meeting.


According to an Independent article, the motion "called for the repeal of several laws to make consensual sex between brothers and sisters aged over 15 legal, as well as allowing people to 'bequeath' their bodies for intercourse after death without fearing the perpetrator would be prosecuted."

The president of LUF Stockholm, Cecial Johnsson, told Aftonbladet, "I understand that [incest] can be considered unusual and disgusting, but the law cannot stem from it being disgusting."

In regards to legalizing necrophilia, Johnsson said, "You should get to decide what happens to your body after you die, and if it happens to be that someone wants to bequeath their body to a museum or for research, or if they want to bequeath to someone for sex, then it should be okay."

The Central Liberal People's Party made it known they disagreed with LUF's pursual of legalizing incest and sexual acts with a dead body.

Spokesperson Adam Alfredsson told Expressen, "Incest is and should remain illegal. We think it will continue to be illegal to use a dead man’s body in [a sexual] way."

Former Swedish Liberal MP, Carl B. Hamilton, made a post on Facebook calling LUF's proposals "a publicity stunt concocted by nitwits."

With all of the insanity currently happening in Western society, it really makes you wonder: What's next!?

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