Shia LaBeouf Arrested For Disorderly Conduct, Public Drunkenness

Recent video has been released showing LaBeouf cursing at the officer(s) who arrested him:
10:30 AM PT -- Cops say early Saturday morning, Shia approached someone for a cigarette. When the person said no, they say he started swearing in front of women and kids. He was told to leave but refused and became aggressive toward an officer.
When the cop tried to arrest Shia, the actor ran to a nearby hotel. He was arrested in the lobby and continued being unruly.
8:45 AM PT -- Shia was released from jail at 11 A.M. ET on a $3,500 bond.
Shia LaBeouf has been arrested in Georgia for being wasted and losing control of himself ... TMZ has learned.
Shia was taken into custody at 4 A.M. Saturday morning. He was booked for disorderly conduct, obstruction and public drunkenness. At the time of this post Shia is still in custody.
The actor has been down this road before ... Shia was arrested in 2014 outside a New York City cabaret for "drunken behavior." He was arrested in West Hollywood in 2008 for drunk driving.