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Germany, Sweden, Norway And France Take Note: Migrants Must Conform To Local Values

[Rome, Italy] On Monday, the Italian High Cassation Court confirmed its ruling against a migrant, who happened to be a Sikh Indian.

The migrant wanted to carry around a large knife in public; something he considered a "sacred religious relic." It is currently against Italian law to carry these types of weapons in a public place.

The court made a statement, saying, "Migrants who choose to live in the Western world have an obligation to conform to the values of the society they've chosen to settle in, even if its values differ from their own."

"An attachment to one's own values, even if they are lawful in the country of origin, is intolerable when it causes violating the laws of the host country.

"The multiethnic society is a necessity, but it can't lead to the formation of conflicting cultural groups of islands according to the ethnicities they're made up of, precluding the unity of the cultural and judicial fabric of our country, which identifies public safety as an asset to defend and as such bans carrying weapons and objects aimed at injury."

Maybe some other European countries should take note and follow Italy's example of upholding its own laws, culture and traditions rather than conforming to foreigners who demand the exact opposite!

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