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David Brock's Left-Wing Sponsored Shareblue Organization, Among Others, Aim To Bring Down Trump

[U.S.] A "private & confidential" memo obtained by The Washington Free Beacon titled "Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action" outlines a four-year anti-Trump agenda by liberal operative and Clinton loyalist, David Brock.

The memo, which can be found on, also mentions three other organizations on its second page, in addition to Shareblue. These outlets include Media Matters for America, American Bridge 21st Century and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW).

Highlighted in yellow on the first page, a quote appears which says, "This is not what we planned, but it's what we're built for."

The memo's introduction starts out with a doctrine, encouraging its readers to "keep fighting."

"The progressive infrastructure groups we've built together were started long before Hillary Clinton ran for president. They were always intended to be the first line of defense - and offense - when we are under siege.

"If we keep fighting, our groups will last, we will continue to build for the future - and we will win again."

Further sections in the introduction are titled by bold sayings such as:

"We have the mandate."

"We will fight, every day."

"We will apply lessons learned."

"We will fully adapt to the new reality, and we will win."

"We hope you'll fight with us."

The memo appears to include a "plan of attack" for bringing down not only the conservative movement, but the Trump Administration's campaign promises. It also seems to serve as a motivational document to devastated Democrats and liberals who are still reeling over their loss in the 2016 U.S. elections.

The document states, "We are going to resist the normalization of Donald Trump. His every conflict of interest, his every bit of cronyism, his every move toward authoritarianism, his every subversion of our democratic systems and principles, his every radical departure from foreign and domestic policy norms.

"We are going to contest every effort, at every level of government, to limit rights, rescind protections, entrench inequality, redistribute wealth upwards, or in any other way fundamentally undermine the tenets of egalitarianism that must serve as the bedrock of our democracy."

The memo claims "Democrats got clobbered in the digital space" with the right dominating Facebook and other social platforms with their grassroots movements.

Media Matters, a web-based and not-for-profit 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center, is mentioned directly in the document's second page.

"In the next four years, Media Matters will continue its core mission of disarming right-wing misinformation, while leading the fight against the next generation of conservative disinformation: The proliferation of fake news and propaganda now threatening the country's information ecosystem..."

It outlines what a successful campaign will look like, mentioning things such as: Exposing and discrediting serial misinformers and right-wing propagandists; Holding social media platforms like Google and Facebook accountable for fake news sites and propagandists; Punishing and halting "toxic" alt-right social media-fueled "harrassment campaigns" that silence dissent and "poison our national discourse."

In addition to Media Matters, American Bridge and CREW host similar sections where they are given examples of success, as related to their personal directives.

The memo directly outlines plans for impeaching President Trump, expanding missions to combat "government misinformation," ensuring Democratic victories during the 2018 midterm elections, bringing new litigation against Trump and his administration, profiting off of political advocacy, using "digital attackers" to delegitimize the presidency, conservative movement and more.

In January, Brock's groups sought to raise $40 million to put into motion the plans outlined in the aforementioned memo. Brock reportedly raised $65 million to combat Trump during the 2016 election cycle.

Click here to read "Democracy Matters: Strategic Plan for Action" on

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