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Rape And Violence Caused By Arab Refugees And Migrants In Sweden Is Being Covered Up

[Stockholm, Sweden] Government officials in Sweden have been accused of covering up an increase in crime, including rape and violence, due to the influx of Arab refugees and migrants. Their reasoning: it is not politically correct to speak about it.

According to a Fox News clip, higher ups in the Swedish government are "deliberately covering up and protecting perpetrators of rapes to protect 'vulnerable' migrants."

Refugee related violence statistics are being suppressed because of supposed "European virtues" and taboo of discussing the subject.

Last year, Sweden accepted 160,000 asylum-seekers into its country. Approximately 500 of those 160k seekers have managed to gain employment.

Fox News correspondent Ami Horowitz commented, "Sweden consider themselves a humanitarian superpower, perhaps the only superpower they could possibly qualify for. So they want to open up their borders up to everyone and anyone. From the onset of the refugee crisis, there was a surge in gun violence and rape - the statistics were clear. But locals were [saying] 'it was men, not refugees' so the majority in Sweden still want to have an open door policy. It’s confounding, really."

Many believe social unrest in Sweden is inevitable as long as migrants maintain a high level of unemployment. Recent unrest and terrorism in both France and Belgium could be cited as an example of what is to come if Sweden continues down this path.

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