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Matt Drudge Visits Radio Talk Show Host Michael Savage During His 75th Birthday

[San Francisco, CA] On Friday, the reclusive Matt Drudge, an early pioneer in internet journalism and owner/editor of the highly influential Drudge Report, visited Michael Savage's radio show studio on Friday to celebrate the host's 75th birthday.

After eating lunch, Drudge joined The Savage Nation show and shared a few calls with Savage.

“We’re trying to save this young Trump administration," he said.

Drudge expressed his concern about Congress and how they may be "deliberately sabotaging" the Trump administration's agenda.

Comparing the treatment of previous President Obama's stimulus bill, he commented, "What did this Congress give this great man [Trump]? Nothing."

Both Drudge and Savage have been active in media for more than two decades, with Drudge launching his popular site 22 years ago and Savage one year earlier.

“It’s been a heckuva a ride. It just feels like yesterday. It just feels like a blink of an eye. For everybody out there who is in midlife, look at what this man did with his 50s and 60s,” Drudge said.

Savage started his radio career at the age of 52, which is quite late compared to other talk show hosts.

Drudge commented, "Michael, do you realize you are at the top of your craft? No. 1 book in the country. A radio show — you roll down your windows and hear you. I don’t even have to tune you in. I just roll down the window and I hear you."

The book he was referring to is the newly released "Trump's War" which is available for sale here.

The day the book was released, Savage and his aging poodle, Teddy, were assaulted at a restaurant by an unknown assailant. A good Samaritan who intervened was also injured. Learn more about that attack below:

Regarding the current political climate, Drudge said, "Do you know what’s happening here? People are nervous. It could go back to Hillary. You know, she looks like she’s running again."

Speaking of Trump, Drudge said he liked "Donald, the man," even before he entered the political arena.

“He is one of the most fascinating Americans that has ever lived, in the modern era. He is a throwback. You talk about old school. He’s old school.”

He further elaborated, "The charm. The guy who ran the hotel. The guy who had a number one TV show with 'The Apprentice' ... Charisma is needed in this job. This isn’t just getting a bill through Congress. This is charisma. So, I wish they would let him return to Donald Trump, the full Donald Trump."

Savage asked about Trump's infamous tweeting habits. Drudge replied, "I think he thinks it's fun. Twitter to me - I don't do much of it, because I don't think the audience is that large. It's feeding the junkies. So, to me it's a broader thing."

Listen to the full interview below:

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