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Veterans For Child Rescue Founder & Ex-Navy Seal Craig Sawyer Censored By Crowd-Funding Site You

[Austin, Texas] Former Navy Seal and founder of Veterans for Child Rescue, Craig Sawyer, was censored on crowd-funding site within 30 minutes of appearing on The Alex Jones Show; a popular syndicated radio and internet talk show.

Sawyer's donation page on YouCaring was abruptly taken down during his appearance on the radio show. The page had started to go viral and Jones himself made a $10,000 donation live while conducting the interview.

Infowars (Jones' website) reporter, Adan Salazar, immediately contacted YouCaring and inquired as to why the Veterans for Child Rescue donation page had been taken down. Their response was ambiguous and unclear, citing a "violation of our terms of service" without adding any specifics:

Veterans for Child Rescue, a non-profit organization, aims to expose child trafficking and torture.

An Infowars article states, "The group will collect data and information from federal and local law enforcement sources to expose the biggest names, families and foundations that take part in the ritualistic abuse of children."

The organization is composed of a "VIPR (Veterans Investigating Pedophile Rings) Team" with members representing all branches of the government(s), including military special operations, FBI, CIA, NSA, MI6 and more.

Sawyer and his team plan on producing a television documentary series covering the child sex trafficking epidemic.

The now non-existent YouCaring page had previously stated, “Until now, pedophiles have enjoyed a counter-productive level of privacy from the media. That puts more children at risk. Together, we can work with federal and local law enforcement to help arrest these predators and liberate the child victims.”

Watch the interview and subsequent events unfold below:

Visit directly to learn more about their mission.

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