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Clouds Architecture Office Plans On Building Next Generation Space Skyscraper

[New York City] An architecture firm has ambitious plans to build a revolutionary, next-generation building which will be located over 31,000 miles above the Earth.

The project is named "Analemma Tower" and is meant to “apply design thinking on a planetary scale to create the world’s tallest building ever.”

Located in both the northern and southern hemispheres, the building will float in a large figure eight shape while passing over major cities and countries. Dubai has been targeted as the base of operations for this project since they have proven capable of crafting massive superstructures, like the Burj Khalifa, at a fraction of the cost of other countries, such as the U.S.

A Universal Orbital Support System (UOSS) would be employed to support the Analemma by hanging it upside down with a high strength cable attached to a nearby orbiting asteroid. The skyscraper itself would offer apartment housing on the upper levels and commercial business centers on lower levels. Entertainment, religious and gardening zones would be available as well. The project, when completed, would essentially be its own operational community.

The tower's engineering plans feature very high-tech concepts, including windows that shape-shift; able to adjust their height and/or width depending on current temperature and air pressure levels. Energy will be harnessed by solar panels located on the uppermost levels and water obtained by the passing clouds.

The supporting asteroid would need to be retrieved and appropriately positioned. Two proposed missions: the European Space Agency's "Rosetta" missions as well as NASA's 2021 Asteroid Retrieval Mission could make a futuristic concept, such as the Analemma Tower, a reality in the near future.

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