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Attorney General Sessions Comments On "Sanctuary Cities" Citing Policies Cannot Continue

[Washington D.C.] On Monday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions told reporters during the White House daily briefing that policies regarding "sanctuary cities" are "dangerous" and could cost local communities federal funding and aid.

"Such policies cannot continue. They make our nation less safe by putting dangerous criminals back on the street." - Attorney General Jeff Sessions

According to Sessions, federal law allows withholding of federal funding to sanctuary cities. If these communities violate any policies setforth by the Trump administration, measures could soon be taken which would include the cutting of federal funds.

"Sanctuary cities" such as Los Angeles, Chicago and New York, have refused to cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials after illegal immigrants have been detained. Federal law dictates that they are required to inform federal officials when an illegal immigrant is taken into custody, even if that person has not been convicted of a (separate) crime. Entering the United States illegally without permission is a crime in itself.

Last week, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said, "LAPD has never participated in programs that deputize local law enforcement to act as immigration agents, and on my watch they never will."

Matt McGrath, a spokesman for Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, commented, "The administration's plan to deny federal funds to cities that are standing up for their values is unconstitutional. Chicago is proud to stand with 34 cities and counties across the country in asking a federal court to prevent the federal government from illegally withholding federal funds."

He also said the Trump administration's plan to withhold federal funds was "no different than what was in the Executive Order the president signed weeks ago." The executive order he was referring to was the controversial travel ban.

After Sessions' statement, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman rebuked, “My office will continue to ensure local governments have the tools they need to legally protect their immigrant communities – and we won’t stop fighting to beat back President Trump’s un-American immigration policies.”

During his statement, Sessions justified the administration's strict stance on immigration laws by saying, "The American people know that when cities and states refuse to help enforce immigration laws, our nation is less safe." Furthermore, he stated communities that apply for Department of Justice grants will need to show they are abiding by current immigration laws.

"Failure to deport aliens who are convicted of criminal offenses puts whole communities at risk, especially immigrant communities in the very sanctuary jurisdictions that seek to protect the perpetrators," Sessions said.

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